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Our patients benefit from educational opportunities, including nutritional, breastfeeding, and other classes to support new moms.



Our patients benefit from educational opportunities, including nutritional, breastfeeding, and other classes to support new moms.



Our patients benefit from educational opportunities, including nutritional, breastfeeding, and other classes to support new moms.

Helping Women Navigate Unplanned Pregnancies

Helping Women Navigate Unplanned Pregnancies

The Atlanta Morning Center exists to partner with the local Church to provide prenatal through postpartum care to moms in need in the name of Jesus. We’d love to link arms with you to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Atlanta to support moms, babies, and families together.

Helping Women Navigate Unplanned Pregnancies

Helping Women Navigate Unplanned Pregnancies

The Atlanta Morning Center exists to partner with the local Church to provide prenatal through postpartum care to moms in need in the name of Jesus. We’d love to link arms with you to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Atlanta to support moms, babies, and families together.

Our Approach

We believe a woman’s body has been perfectly designed by God for birth, and in normal circumstances, a baby can be born with no medical intervention.

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Your Partnership

No matter who they are and where they have been, we believe the mothers and children we serve were created in God's image and should be treated with respect at all times. Join our community of unstoppable world changers.

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pregnant mother with child touching her belly
Our Mission

The Atlanta Morning Center exists to partner with the local Church to provide prenatal through postpartum care to moms in need in the name of Jesus.

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sleeping new born baby wrapped in a knit blanket
Our Beliefs

Atlanta Morning Center is committed to the mission of partnering with the local Church to provide prenatal through postpartum care to moms in need in the name of Jesus.

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new born baby getting fed with a bottle.
Our Partners

Providing care for pregnant moms who need a little help.

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Wednesday: 9am - 5pm

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